Friday, July 31, 2015

The 10 Ugly Things I Learnt From Running

The ugly, the embarrassing and the frankly too much information things they don't tell you...

1. Crying as adult in public has never been more acceptable or appealing. Multiple times I've found myself on the brink of the tears swearing I'll never make it to the top of the hill, but everyone feels like that - right?

2. You know that inspirational, no idea how you're so positive all the time, #motivationalmonday instagram post person? You become her. But sometimes the only way you're going to make it through a run is by channelling your inner Buddha - "the more I run, the stronger I become".

3. Fancy a pedicure? Never again. Unless you can face getting out your blistered, sometimes blackened toenailed feet, it’s a no-go.

4. Without rhyme nor reason, some runs are simply terrible. You're breathing is all off, your muscles just aren't warming themselves up and it's only the second mile*, but some runs just don't happen at all, don't beat yourself up. * These runs often end up in tears.

5. And now that we’re talking about runs: Runs will either leave you with the runs all day, or leave you in intense pain literally unable to to go at all. Oh, and when your digestive system throws a curveball mid-run? Don’t get me started

6. You’ll never have been more offended than when other runners will straight-out ignore your smile and “good morning” - like whatever, it’s because they’re totally jealous of your co-ordinated running outfit.

7. Getting beeped at walking down the road can already feel degrading, throw in a sweaty, red-faced mess and...

8. There's nothing worse than feeling too cold on a run, unless of course you've wrapped up so much that you feel like you're about to pass out from heat exhaustion...

9. Now every one speaks about this amazing feeling that you get from breaking through the pain barrier, how you could go on for miles and miles and it's all la-di-da. I'd still like to experience this, please.

10. Lastly, sometimes, when you gotta' spit, you just gotta' spit, so don't give me that look.

What ugly things have you learnt running?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Weekly Eat #1 + Bircher Muesli Recipe

Eat Better, Feel Better…

Here's a look at what I ate today:

8am: Apple and Cinnamon Bircher Muesli

We all hear it often enough, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I also think it's the most exciting. But life is hectic and there's rarely ever enough time to sit down and eat a big, homemade breakfast, so we pick up easily alternatives in hungry-frenzies that are usually packed full of processed sugars and general nasties. These are going to spike your blood sugar levels and leave you craving the sweet stuff all day long.

This Bircher Muesli recipe is packed with oats, chia seeds and cinnamon all low in GI that are going to help stabilise your blood sugar levels, preventing that mid-morning sugar-crash and help to keep you full. You can also prep overnight and keep in a jar/tupperware to make for a quick and nutritious breakfast on-the-go.

Ingredients (Serves 1)

1/3 Cup Oats
2 Tsp Chia Seeds
100g Alpro Plain with Almond Yogurt
1/2 Apple Diced
Either 1/2 Cup Water (Or Almond Milk if you prefer it to be more creamy)
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon
To top
Fresh fruit
Nut Butter


Mix together your oats, chia seeds, apple and cinnamon in a bowl with the soya yogurt and water. If you do prefer it to be creamier, you can use a dairy-free milk substitute in place of the water. 

Cover and leave to soak overnight in the fridge. If you’re planning to eat it on-the-go, go ahead and place it in a container.

In the morning, top with fresh fruit, nuts or nut butter to increase satiety. 

Post-workout Snack
11 am: Banana Coins with Peanut Butter

Usually I work out in the evenings, so without wanting to ruin my dinner, I just grab a protein shake, but as I went to the gym this morning, I wanted something a little more substantial to last me through until lunch. I sat down with the iPad and a mug of Positivitea “Thrive - Hibiscus, Strawberry & Cinnamon” tea which is specially blended (and all very fancy) for the chakras - check out their webpage here.
Also can't/won't promise that I did not dip back into the peanut butter jar.

1pm: Rye Toast With Hummus + Veggies

8pm: OhSheGlows Perfect Veggie Burger + Sweet Potato Wedges

As it was  Friday, I don't think you go wrong with your classic burger and chips with a healthier twist. I made a big batch of these veggie burgers to keep in the freezer to take out for BBQ's or quick dinners and cut up a large sweet potato into wedges. I skipped on the bun and had a naked burger with plenty of salad.

I also had a glass of white wine and watermelon and dark chocolate for dessert which wasn't photographed, but thoroughly enjoyed. 

Kay’s Kitchen Playlist:

Regina Spektor - Samson

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Almighty Moringa Miracle Chocolate Shake

Now if we were to play a game of Superfoods Top Trumps, Moringa Powder is the card we’re all going to want, and here’s why…

This world of superfoods in which we live can seem like a baffling, all very extravagant marketing ploy to make money out of an increasingly health-concerned (and apparently cynical) population. We have mulberries, goji berries and whats that? You’ve never tried any enchantedmagentaunicornforest-berries? You haven’t lived. And apparently, the less you're able to pronounce the word, the better it is for you, so don’t worry because no one pronounced quinoa right the first time. But, there is a reason why these mysterious people - who actually have the time to make fancy schmancy, instagram worthy breakfasts every morning - swear by them, and it’s probably why they have such fantastic skin…

For the past few months, and now for the foreseeable future, I've been supplementing for an iron deficiency anaemia and a B12 deficiency, which is a pretty common and very treatable problem. Coming off the tablets would inevitably cause my levels to drop but I totally feel like that prescription money could be better spent on a new pair of shoes (am I right?) The only further advice offered to me was to 'make sure you eat plenty of dark leafy greens' - really? If I possibly ate anymore broccoli than I already do, I'm gonna' turn into one myself. So I took research into my hands, and discovered that the tub of green powder gathering dust in my pantry (along with the other products I had picked up on a trolley dash through Holland & Barrett), was actually used to prevent and treat 300 illness worldwide, including anaemia. 

Having previously doubted Moringa, questioning "what could this superfood promise me that others couldn't?", I would like to retract that statement and admit that I could not have been more wrong.

So meet the heavyweight and powerhouse of nutrition, 

Moringa: Native to India, used to treat and prevent 300 illnesses worldwide. 25 times more iron than spinach, 17 times more calcium than milk and 15 times more potassium than bananas. Neutralises and reduces the damage of free radicals (the nasty molecules that speed up ageing and can cause heart diseases and cancers).

Nutrients: 92
Antioxidants: 46
Amino Acids: 18, with the 9 essential ones our bodies cannot produce.
Vitamins: A - Z
Omegas: 3, 6 and 9.

And whats even better, Moringa Powder is so easy to add into any meal. I made this Almighty Moringa Mircale Chocolate Shake as my post-run protein shake. Even with the slight green tint, the taste was undetectable. Naturally high in iron, protein and all those over heavyweight stats, it's great for your skin and your whole well-being. Super creamy, all naturally sweetened and great for muscle repair, it makes for a fab, guilt-free treat. And if it's going to help up my iron levels, I'd consider in a daily necessity, at least for the foreseeable future...


Serves 1 

1 Frozen Banana
1 Medjool Date (pitted)
1 1/2 tbsp Raw Cacao Powder
1/2 cup Water/Ice
1/2 cup dairy-free milk alternative, I use Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 tbsp Moringa Powder.
1 tbsp Nut Butter.
1/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon


Simply blend all ingredients together in a blender and serve pinterest-style in Kilner jars with paper straws*. Enjoy…

*Instagramming the hell of out this is not required, but highly recommended.

Kay's Kitchen Playlist:

Catfish and the Bottlemen - Kathleen, Cocoon and Pacifier