Friday, July 31, 2015

The 10 Ugly Things I Learnt From Running

The ugly, the embarrassing and the frankly too much information things they don't tell you...

1. Crying as adult in public has never been more acceptable or appealing. Multiple times I've found myself on the brink of the tears swearing I'll never make it to the top of the hill, but everyone feels like that - right?

2. You know that inspirational, no idea how you're so positive all the time, #motivationalmonday instagram post person? You become her. But sometimes the only way you're going to make it through a run is by channelling your inner Buddha - "the more I run, the stronger I become".

3. Fancy a pedicure? Never again. Unless you can face getting out your blistered, sometimes blackened toenailed feet, it’s a no-go.

4. Without rhyme nor reason, some runs are simply terrible. You're breathing is all off, your muscles just aren't warming themselves up and it's only the second mile*, but some runs just don't happen at all, don't beat yourself up. * These runs often end up in tears.

5. And now that we’re talking about runs: Runs will either leave you with the runs all day, or leave you in intense pain literally unable to to go at all. Oh, and when your digestive system throws a curveball mid-run? Don’t get me started

6. You’ll never have been more offended than when other runners will straight-out ignore your smile and “good morning” - like whatever, it’s because they’re totally jealous of your co-ordinated running outfit.

7. Getting beeped at walking down the road can already feel degrading, throw in a sweaty, red-faced mess and...

8. There's nothing worse than feeling too cold on a run, unless of course you've wrapped up so much that you feel like you're about to pass out from heat exhaustion...

9. Now every one speaks about this amazing feeling that you get from breaking through the pain barrier, how you could go on for miles and miles and it's all la-di-da. I'd still like to experience this, please.

10. Lastly, sometimes, when you gotta' spit, you just gotta' spit, so don't give me that look.

What ugly things have you learnt running?

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