Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Healthy Snacks To Keep You Dancing All Night Long



I thought you said Gin.

And never was there a more accurate representation of what my weekend at Bestival is going to look like.

Now a great deal of the time I love choosing to eat whole, clean foods. I drink plenty of water, I get my 8 hours sleep a night and I exercise regularly. I do my best to be a healthy individual. But that doesn’t mean to say I don’t like to let my hair down from time to time, drown myself in glitter and indulge in a multitude of sins.

Yes, sometimes I choose to eat a bit of junk food if it’s what I’m really craving.

Party all night long instead of getting some shut eye.

And hey, if you’re passing me a glass of gin, who am I to throw it back in your face?

I’m trying to master that tricky balance in being healthy and letting myself have fun, but know that both are completely acceptable. 

So when you’re reading this, remember that these snacks are not an accurate representation of my weekend (in the slightest). These snacks represent a small proportion of what I will be eating. They are “ideal” choices to grab if I get hungry and keep me full of energy to dance all night long.  And I am the Snack Queen, so it would be an awful shame not to live up to my name. 

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs are great alternatives to just picking up a bag of crisps.

These Nakd and Trek bars both contain 1-your-5-a-day and leave me feeling full and satisfied, as well as providing instant energy from the dates and protein from the nuts and soya crunchies. 

Apples and Bananas are both ideal fresh fruit choices as they don’t require refrigeration.

These Pip & Nut Sachets pair well with the Kallo Rice Cakes to make a quick snack full of healthy fats and carbohydrates. 

I ordered a massive box of these Of The Earth Superfoods Cereal Pots to take with me as you can make them with both cold and hot water for a speedy snack. Made exclusively with super foods such as spirulina, barley grass, green tea, maca and goji berries, they’re a great energy boosting way to start the day.

I’m also taking a pack of the Koko Coconut Milk Cartons to either make teas/coffees with, or to drink with a piece of fruit.

Alcohol! Because no great story ever started with a salad…


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